Finding Growth and Success within the Feeling of FailureBack in November, when I signed up for a January half-marathon, I knew I needed some real running training. Consistency within CrossFit has…Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
When looking for Wellness, Self Assessment is ImportantEarlier this morning, I was having a conversation with one of my coaches at CrossFit HAP. I was telling her how hungry I had been the day…Feb 4, 2019Feb 4, 2019
Wellness in 100 Words100 Words to help you move toward Wellness in your life.Jan 11, 2019Jan 11, 2019
My (Quick) Thoughts on the Toys“R”Us Bankruptcy.I had a few initial reactions to hearing about Toys“R”Us filing for bankruptcy.Sep 22, 2017Sep 22, 2017
US Dietary Guidelines still give in to lobbyists, not our long-term health.This is going to be a big WTF moment for me, sorry. It’s in response to the release of the new US Dietary Guidelines for Americans and The…Jan 8, 2016Jan 8, 2016